We provide comprehensive official exhibition management and contracting services.
VI and Logo design, Official items and overall venue design for exhibitions.
Special booths and Pavilions design and set up. Conference arrangement including staging, Audio, Lighting and Video equipment.
Arrange various related services such as registration system, cleaning, security, first-Aid, photographing, SI etc.
All kinds of online and Offline promotion.
Arrange all kinds of related licenses such as surveyor's or structural engineer reports, fire certificates, electricity certificates etc.
At Once Communication Limited
AT ONCE COMIMUNICATION LIMITED is a professional group specializing in the fields of interational conferences and large-scale eventdesian, planning and project management, professnational conference and event management anoonalinteror @esian and collarge-scale event construction. Witand one-stop integrated services fromaanW Vearsthe earliest stages of conceptsupervision and management